Герцоги Кембриджские и Сассекские запустили горячую линию помощи (ФОТО)

Герцоги Кембриджские и Сассекские запустили горячую линию помощи (ФОТО)

Пока в Сети обсуждали имя для новорожденного сына Меган и Гарри, а также первые фото малыша, появились новости от членов монаршей семьи, которые очень понравятся их подданным.

Так, Кейт Миддлтон и принц Уильям вместе с Меган Маркл и принцем Гарри запустили совместный проект, которым будет помогать людям с психическими проблемами. На официальных страницах пар в Инстаграм появились сообщения о том, что герцоги Кембриджские и герцоги Сассекские запустили горячую линию Shout, бесплатный сервис по обмену текстовыми сообщениями, который будет круглосуточно поддерживать британцев в их жизненных трудностях.

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3 years ago Catherine, Harry and I kicked off the Heads Together campaign with our fantastic charity partners. As part of the legacy of the @heads_together campaign we wanted to do our bit to make it easier for people to start to get the help they need. The Royal Foundation has made its biggest ever investment to do just that. And we want you to be a part of it. @giveusashoutinsta is a new textline that supports people who need advice in a tough moment. It operates 24-7, and connects people to trained volunteers who provide help at a time when it is most needed, enabling them to move from crisis to calm and to find longer term support. At the heart of Shout will be an incredible national volunteer community, one which needs to grow to allow us to support more people in crisis. I hope that many more of you will join us and be part of something very special — The Duke of Cambridge

Публикация от Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) 10 Май 2019 в 12:04 PDT

Принц Уильям рад презентовать такой важный сервис:

Горячая линия работает круглосуточно и без выходных. Она направляет людей к волонтерам, которые оказывают помощь в то время, когда в ней больше всего нуждаются. Это помогает перейти от состояния кризиса к спокойствию и найти более долговременную поддержку
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“We are incredibly excited to be launching this service, knowing it has the potential to reach thousands of vulnerable people every day. Over the last few months Shout has started working quietly behind the scenes. We have all been able to see the service working up close and are so excited for its future. At the heart of this service will be an incredible national volunteer community, one which needs to grow to allow us to support more people in crisis. We hope that many more of you will join us and be part of something very special.” — The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the launch of @GiveUsAShoutInsta. Shout is a new text messaging helpline that supports people in crisis. It operates 24/7 and connects people in need to trained volunteers who provide help at a time when it is most needed; enabling them to move from a moment of crisis to a calm state and form a plan for next steps to find longer-term support. As texting is private and silent, it opens up a whole new way to find help. It provides instant support - you can have a conversation at any time – at school, at home, on the bus, anywhere. This service is for everyone, but for younger people especially, texting is a trusted and familiar form of communication, and using text rather than apps makes it simple and accessible for everyone with a phone. Shout is powered by a team of volunteers who are at the heart of the service. They are trained to create a safe space for people experiencing mental health challenges. The programme is unique with the training and volunteering all done online, under the supervision of qualified clinicians. Working remotely, volunteers are part of a supportive and connected online community of 1,000, with the ambition of boosting that community to 4,000 by the end of the year. Interested in volunteering? Visit @GiveUsAShoutInsta or the link in our bio to find out more.

Публикация от Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) 10 Май 2019 в 12:02 PDT

Принц Гарри также акцентировал внимание на том, что часто подобная помощь — надежная и единственная поддержка, которую может получить человек в его непростой жизненной ситуации.

Эта бесплатная телефонная линия для обмена текстовыми сообщениями является частным, тихим и надежным способом для тех, кто испытывает проблемы с психическим здоровьем, чтобы найти безопасное пространство для получения помощи и поддержки.

Члены королевской семьи также призвали граждан Великобритании стать волонтерами горячей линии. Кстати, в ноябре прошлого года королевские семьи уже встречались с волонтерами по этой теме, но снимки с этого мероприятия дворец обнародовал только сейчас.

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Today in the UK, a critical new 24/7 text helpline has launched - @giveusashoutinsta This free text messaging helpline is a private, silent and trusted way, for those experiencing mental health challenges to find a safe space to seek help and support. This is an extension of the @heads_together initiative backed by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Earlier last year, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex began supporting this vital program behind the scenes by hosting a meeting at Kensington Palace with contributors and partners. Last November, Their Royal Highnesses also made a surprise visit to meet with a group of Shout volunteers, and participated in a panel with mental health activist @bryonygordon hearing firsthand how the volunteers have found making the connection with vulnerable texters, a majority of whom are under 25, so rewarding - helping to get them through a moment of crisis to a calmer place, and giving them courage to find longer-term support. Powered by a team of trained volunteers, Shout has already quietly enlisted and trained 1,000 volunteers over the last 12 months, whom in turn have helped 60,000 people. SHOUT is modeled on @crisistextline in the US, which since 2013 has processed more than 100 million messages, Shout is the largest initiative of The Royal Foundation to date, in partnership with @heads_together. Tapping into the UK’s volunteer community, Shout aims to recruit 3,000 additional volunteers by the end of the year. Mobilizing a volunteer community with this innovative use of technology will go a long way in helping people get the critical help they need, often in the darkest of times, when those are privately and silently suffering and afraid to seek help. To sign up to volunteer, visit www.giveusashout.org Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Публикация от The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) 10 Май 2019 в 2:39 PDT

Мы с нетерпением ждем новых инициатив от королевской семьи Великобритании. А пока что напомним, инсайдеры рассказали, что Меган Маркл и принц Гарри не будут затягивать с рождением второго ребенка.

Фото: Инстаграм герцогов Кембриджских и Сассекских